We take your satellite from your facility to its orbital destination
Impulso space's cleanroom

From launch capacity to satellite preparation, shipment, and more, Impulso can take care of every step surrounding a launch.


Impulso has flown on 14 missions, launching 15 minisatellites and 16 CubeSats with a 100% success rate. The company has had satellites on all but one of SpaceX's Transporter rideshare missions and has experience launching piggyback as well, such as when it flew on SpaceX's Korea 425 mission.


Impulso Space's facility

Located just 30 minutes from Cape Canaveral, Impulso’s facility is in the ideal spot to support launches from the Space Coast. Providing clients with more ample time and space than a PPF at a launch site would, this facility is perfect for conducting all pre-launch activities. And thanks to Impulso’s other services, such as shipping and storage, it can just as effectively be used for launches outside of the Space Coast, as well.